Reviews and approves the budget. Monitors and offers counsel on the fiscal well-being of the parish and its ministries.
Ministry Pillar: Community
Ministry Category: Pastor's Advisory Groups
Facilitator Name: Jay Murphy
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 732-6385
Time Commitment: Meets throughout the year
Advises and assists the Pastor in organizing, coordinating, evaluating, and supporting the wide spectrum of activities within the parish.
Ministry Pillar: Community
Ministry Category: Pastor's Advisory Groups
Facilitator Name: Anthony Daniele
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 218-4083
Time Commitment: First Monday of the month, September through June
Fosters stewardship as a way of life at St. Louis Parish; supports programs that help parishioners building social activities and providing hospitality at parish events, e.g. parish picnic.
Ministry Pillar: Community
Ministry Category: Pastor's Advisory Groups
Facilitator Name: Deb Hoeft
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675
Time Commitment: Meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 7:00 - 8:00, September to June
The Hospitality Team fosters a friendly and welcoming parish environment by organizing community-building social activities and providing hospitality at parish events, e.g. parish picnic. Volunteers are needed to set-up/takedown, host, cook, and serve.
Ministry Pillar: Community
Ministry Category: Building Community
Office Phone: (585) 721-0011
Facilitator Name: Mike and Sue Moore
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 721-0011
Time Commitment: Varies per event and members' availability
Help host a coffee hour after the 8:00 AM Sunday Mass.
Facilitator Name: Rebecca Mitrousis
Facilitator Email Address: R[email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5228
Time Commitment: Once every 5-6 weeks; schedule is made in advance.
The Parish Visitor welcomes new parishioners through phone calls, home visits, and providing a wealth of resources about opportunities within the parish, such as liturgy, sacraments, and stewardship.
Ministry Pillar: Community
Ministry Category: Building Community
Facilitator Name: Pat Spinelli
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5232
Time Commitment: Parish visitor arranges a convenient time to meet with new parishioners
Offers counsel and assistance in maintaining our campus in tip-top condition through long-range planning and hands-on support.
Ministry Pillar: Community
Ministry Category: Facilities
Facilitator Name: Jim Bertsch
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 233-8063
Time Commitment: Meetings monthly or as needed; help with hands-on projects as available
Help with raking, weeding, and trimming, as well as snow removal.
Ministry Pillar: Community
Ministry Category: Facilities
Facilitator Name: Sally Schrecker
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5235
Time Commitment: Flexible
Offers assistance every Monday morning by counting the weekend collection over coffee with friends. Your time spent helping count the collection is a priceless ministry for the staff and parishioners of St. Louis.
Ministry Pillar: Community
Ministry Category: Building Community
Facilitator Name: Shari Magagnoli
Facilitator Email Address: s[email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5223
Time Commitment: Counting happens every Monday 8am - 9:30am. We need your assistance 1-2 Mondays every month.
The Priests Dinner Team prepares and serves a meal for the area priests on selected Saturday nights on roughly a 6-week interval. This is a great fellowship opportunity for our priests who provide so much for our spiritual needs. The dinners are held from 6-8 PM in the parish meeting hall. Volunteers from the team prepare and serve the meals with food expenses reimbursed by the parish. The team maintains a list of volunteers willing to help prepare and serve the dinners. There are also opportunities such as room setup, making desserts or salads.
If you have any questions about the team, please contact Mike Moore at [email protected].
To add your name to the list of volunteers to be contacted about upcoming dinners, complete the form linked in the button below.
Decides, along with the Pastor, the recipients of weekly contributions to local charities.
Ministry Pillar: Community
Ministry Category: Finance
Facilitator Name: Peter Spinelli
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 381-9314
Time Commitment: 2-3 times per year
Help with and/or organize events, including fundraisers; volunteer in the school; usually St. Louis School parents.
Ministry Pillar: Community
Ministry Category: St. Louis School
Facilitator Name: Mary Beth Boyle
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-2000
Time Commitment: One Year
Provide an example of service and devotion by serving at Mass.
Ministry Category: Liturgy Service
Facilitator Name: Maria Leonardo
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5229
Time Commitment: Per schedule
Serve the very life of the Church, the Living Body of Christ, by distributing the Eucharist at parish Masses. Before Mass, the Eucharistic Ministers also serve as greeters.
Ministry Category: Liturgy Service
Office Location: St. Louis Ministry Office
Office Phone: (585) 586-5675
Facilitator Name: Maria Leonardo
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5229
Time Commitment: Twelve times per year
Proclaim the Scripture readings at Mass and lead the Prayers of the Faithful.
Ministry Category: Liturgy Service
Office Location: St. Louis Ministry Office
Office Phone: (585) 586-5675
Facilitator Name: Maria Leonardo
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5229
Time Commitment: Eight times per year
Serve as sacristans setting up for Mass and ensuring that the various liturgical ministries are covered. Or serve as an Usher, assisting in the welcoming and orderly seating of parishioners as well as assisting with the collection and tidying up pews following Mass.
Ministry Category: Liturgy Service
Office Location: St. Louis Ministry Office
Office Phone: (585) 586-5675
Facilitator Name: Maria Leonardo
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5229
Time Commitment: Twelve times per year
Operate the projection of videos, Baptisms, song lyrics, and other media at weekend Masses. Assist with microphones and sound system needs at weekend Masses and special events.
Ministry Category: Liturgy Service
Facilitator Name: Mike Moore
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 721-0011
Time Commitment: Varies; training provided
Provides music for the 10:30 AM Sunday Mass from September through June. Also sings for special occasions and Feast Days.
Ministry Category: Choirs
Facilitator Name: Stephanie Honz
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5251
Time Commitment: Rehearsals Wednesday 7:30 - 9:00 PM, September through June
Provides music for funeral liturgies as needed.
Ministry Category: Choirs
Facilitator Name: Stephanie Honz
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5251
Volunteers pray as they prepare purificators for liturgical services.
Ministry Category: Service
Facilitator Name: Maria Leonardo
Facilitator Email Address: m[email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 943-2225
Time Commitment: Weekly
The goal of this ministry is to increase understanding of the Bible, Faith, and the Church. If you are interested in attending one or starting one up please reach out!
Ministry Pillar: Faith Formation
Ministry Category: Building Community
Office Location: St. Louis Ministry Office
Office Phone: (585) 586-5675
Facilitator Name: Rebecca Mitrousis
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5228
Time Commitment: Attend as available; Men’s Bible Study (Monday AM); Scripture Study (Tuesday AM; Bible Basics (Wednesday evening)
Welcomes adults and children of catechetical age into a Catholic way of life and guides them through the process toward full initiation into the church; parish sponsors are parishioners who accompany RCIA catechumens and candidates throughout the process.
Ministry Pillar: Faith Formation
Ministry Category: Faith Formation For Adults And Young Adults
Program Coordinator: Rebecca Mitrousis ([email protected], 585-586-5675 x 5228)
Facilitator Name: RJ and Wendy Stansbury
Facilitator Email Address: r[email protected]
Time Commitment: Varies depending on needs of catechumens and candidates
Prepares engaged couples for marriage through talks, leading table discussions, and sharing the Christian marriage experience.
Ministry Pillar: Faith Formation
Ministry Category: Faith Formation For Adults And Young Adults
Office Location: St. Louis Ministry Office
Office Phone: (585) 586-5675
Facilitator Name: Rebecca Mitrousis; Mike Moore
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]; [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5228; (585) 721-0011
Time Commitment: Preparation time and a Saturday session, generally twice a year
Creates opportunities for young adults to develop community and relationships through service, scripture, and using their gifts to build up the Body of Christ.
Ministry Pillar: Faith Formation
Ministry Category: Faith Formation For Adults And Young Adults
Facilitator Name:
Facilitator Email Address:
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675
Time Commitment: Events scheduled throughout the year; attend as available
Provides an opportunity for the youth of the parish, grades 3 - 12, to participate in athletics while fostering goals of a Christian sports ethic. Practice and home games are at the St. Louis gym; away games throughout Monroe County. For adult volunteers, coaching skills are needed.
Ministry Pillar: Faith Formation
Ministry Category: Faith Formation For Youth (Preschool - Grade 12)
Office Location: St. Louis Ministry Office (Faith Formation)
Facilitator Name: Jenna Roote
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5239
Time Commitment: Afternoons or evenings, October through February
Helps children in Kindergarten through grade 5 to know and experience Jesus and to learn about the faith. Lessons, materials, and support provided.
Ministry Pillar: Faith Formation
Ministry Category: Faith Formation For Youth (Preschool - Grade 12)
Facilitator Name: Courtney Thomas
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675
Time Commitment: Sunday mornings during the school year
Prepares children for the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and/or Confirmation.
Ministry Pillar: Faith Formation
Ministry Category: Faith Formation For Youth (Preschool - Grade 12)
Facilitator Name: Wendy Stansbury
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x5240
Time Commitment: Varies by sacrament
Presents the Liturgy of the Word in a simplified and interactive form to children, ages 4-8, during the 10:30 AM Sunday Mass. High school students are encouraged to volunteer; training is provided.
Facilitator Name: Chrissy Carpenter
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 755-4747
Time Commitment: Once a month during 10:30 AM Mass (school year only)
Participate in a Catholic men's fraternal organization whose mission is to actively promote the principles of the Order (charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism) by demonstrating an untiring and visible commitment to the Church, bishops, priests, families, Brother Knights, youth, communities, and our nation in an ethical and moral manner.
Ministry Category: Building Community
Contacts: Greg Lane, Grand Knight and Mike DeCocq, Membership Chair
Email Address: [email protected]
Time Commitment: Monthly meetings, plus special projects and events
The team provides coordination and support to all Pastoral Care Ministries.
Ministry Category: Pastoral Care
Office Location: St. Louis Ministry Office
Office Phone: (585) 586-5675
Facilitator Name: Rebecca Mitrousis; Peggy O'Neil Midgley
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]; [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x228; (585) 730-5769; (585) 455-1487
Time Commitment: Four team meetings per year; engage in hands-on ministry at the level of your choice
A ministry for those who have lost a loved one. Ministers stay in contact with a family or individual St. Louis Ministry Office during the year following the death by sending cards, phone calls, and other support; also, provides referrals to other services as needed and requested. Funeral planning and pre-planning is offered.
Ministry Category: Pastoral Care
Office Location: St. Louis Ministry Office
Office Phone: (585) 586-5675
Facilitator Name: Rebecca Mitrousis; Betty Smith; Betsy DeBloom
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x228; (585) 381-7474; (585) 381-7247
Time Commitment: Group meets for six weeks twice a year
Lead a communion service at local nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Read scriptures from the Mass, provide a short reflection, and distribute the Eucharist. Training provided.
Ministry Pillar: Service
Ministry Category: Pastoral Care
Office Phone: (585) 586-5675
Facilitator Name: Rebecca Mitrousis
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x228
Time Commitment: Once every four to six weeks, usually Sunday
Make pastoral visits to the sick, hospitalized, nursing facilities, and shut-ins. Visitors bring the Eucharist, pray with and visit with those infirmed.
Ministry Pillar: Service
Ministry Category: Pastoral Care
Facilitator Name: Rebecca Mitrousis
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675 x228
Time Commitment: As often as available
Take bags of food collected on food collection Sundays to area food cupboards.
Ministry Pillar: Faith Formation/Service
Ministry Category: Social Justice
Office Location: St. Louis Ministry Office
Office Phone: (585) 586-5675
Facilitator Name: Rose Yule
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 586-5675
Time Commitment: Flexible
A coalition of faith-based groups sponsors and builds a Habitat house every three years. Volunteers assist with fundraisers and/or building the house. Building of the 2023 house project on 108 Akerman St., Rochester is underway!
For information about our Annual Habitat Pie Sale, click here.
Ministry Category: Social Justice
Facilitator Name: Bob Scholl
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 381-3760
Time Commitment: As little as a few hours, once every three years
Assist with the Corn Sale (September) and Ornament Sale (October through January), and other events to benefit Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos/ Nos Petits Frères et Soeurs (NPH/NPFS, Spanish and French for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters") Orphanages/St. Damien Pediatric Hospital and all of their outreaches in Haiti. More information is available here.
Ministry Category: Social Justice
Facilitator Name: Cari Marin
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Time Commitment: 30 minutes to several hours per year or event
Provides legal refugee families with the comforts of "home" by collecting and distributing furniture, household goods and clothing. Operates the largest clothing closet in Rochester. Contact Michele Quinn for volunteer opportunities.
Saint's Place, Inc. is now an independent 501(c)3 faith-based charitable corporation that opens opportunities to apply for corporation and foundation grants. The ministry plans to move its offices to St. John of Rochester in early 2025.In a one-on-one tutoring program, tutors help children with homework and adults with English, preparing for job interviews, driver's tests, citizenship tests, and Monroe Community College tests.
Ministry Category: Social Justice
Facilitator Name: Geri Dolan
Facilitator Email Address: [email protected]
Facilitator Phone: (585) 278-8244
Time Commitment: Mondays or Thursdays from 4:45-6:00 PM during the school year; 1 hour orientation