Dear Parishioners, As the Lenten season is upon us, and we turn our attention to reestablishing the Lord as the center of our lives, through fasting, increased prayer, and special acts of charity, especially after the pandemic, I thank you for your support and commitment to our wonderful community, as well as your willingness to be active members of the St. Louis vineyard...
Dear Parishioners, Happy Advent, Merry Christmas and Blessed 2022! Thank you to each of you for being with us and supporting our wonderful Parish, School, and Saint’s Place! I am grateful to report that we not only survived all the challenges with COVID, but we are vibrant in all ways glorifying our God and serving others through...
Despite these uncertain times, it feels wonderful to begin to return to travel. I was thrilled to journey back to northern Wisconsin and Michigan this past August for a long overdue visit with family and friends. I am now reacquainting myself with my love for foreign travel. It is not for the faint of heart! The rules, regulations, and endless testing involved to cross foreign borders is daunting. Then there is the worry of being quarantined and not returning on schedule. I must leave this in God’s hands and not be consumed with useless anxiety.
The Wall Street Journal recently published a Feature piece on an Afghan family who now call Rochester home. Our very own Saint's Place played a role in helping this family settle in to Rochester and are featured in the article. For the full article visit the provided link. Images courtesy of the Wall Street Journal.
As you may be aware, Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has convoked the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, from October 2021 through October 2023. The first phase is the “diocesan synodal phase” which will begin in October 2021 in all dioceses throughout the world under the theme: “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission.”
In this letter Bishop Matano announces that in accordance with Cannon Law he has offered his resignation to the Pope, and also provides an update on the Bankruptcy hearings for the diocese.
The obligation to attend Sunday Mass resumes, effective the weekend of June 5-6, 2021, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ in our diocese. For additional details regarding this announcement, please see the linked article in the Catholic Courier