As shared by St. Louis' Helping Haiti Ministry leaders, in his July 2023 update, titled "A Song of Ascent," Fr. Richard "Rick" Frechette reinforces how "We ascend together to a world order that forbids and abhors the bondage and bartering of human beings. ... Yet, we do not surrender our hope. We do not sound retreat."
In response to recent requests, following is the full text of Fr. Mitch Zygadlo's Memorial Day Ceremony remarks. A U.S. Air Force Chaplain (retired), Fr. Mitch served as Grand Marshal of the Pittsford Memorial Day Parade. He delivered these remarks on May 29, 2023 at Pittsford Cemetery.
Consecration to Jesus through Mary is a tried-an-true way of attaining holiness of life. Consecration to Jesus through Mary is the act of entrusting one's entire life to the protection, guidance, and intercession of Our Lady. We invite you to join St. Louis Church on a 33-day journey towards Marian consecration this summer!
Doors to the Saint’s Place Annual Super Sale will open to shoppers at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow, July 5 at St. Louis Parish, 64 S. Main St., Pittsford. The sale will run Wednesday through Saturday, July 5-8.