“Any woman – regardless of age, religious belief or affiliation, marital status or immigration status – who is pregnant and in need, can come to the Catholic Church and we will give you the services and supports you need to carry your baby to term, regardless of your ability to pay.”
Big News! It is with great joy that we can announce the arrival of a new Parochial Vicar to St. Louis Church, Fr. Simon Atta Denchira. Fr. Simon is traveling to us from Ghana, Africa, the Diocese of Obuasi, and arrives on Tuesday, May 10th! He has been a Priest and Pastor for 18 years. We are filled with joy that he will continue his priestly ministry with us. When you see him, please give him a warm welcome as a part of our St. Louis Community.
The New York State Catholic Conference released the following statement on behalf the New York State Bishops: “The leaking of an internal draft opinion of the Supreme Court is an egregious breach of trust, and an attack on the integrity of the Judicial Branch of government. When our highest court cannot operate free of political interference or intimidation, it serves a stark example that nothing is sacred any more. While we fervently pray for legal protections of unborn children, we will not dignify the goals of the leaker by commenting on the contents of the draft document.” Additionally, Bishop Matano wrote a Memorandum on April 21, 2022, which provided many resources in how to speak about the Supreme Court’s pending Dobbs case in a polarized culture. (See attached).