Dear Parishioners, As the Lenten season is upon us, and we turn our attention to reestablishing the Lord as the center of our lives, through fasting, increased prayer, and special acts of charity, especially after the pandemic, I thank you for your support and commitment to our wonderful community, as well as your willingness to be active members of the St. Louis vineyard.
Lent is a time for us to reflect on God’s infinite love. Through His passion and resurrection, Christ not only gave the world salvation but also gave Himself in the Eucharist- the real, true, and substantial presence of God among us.
St. Luke tells us in the 4th Chapter of his account of Christ’s life that at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry he “came to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went according to his custom into the synagogue on the Sabbath day.” In doing so, Christ set an example, yet again, for us. As Catholics, we are called to go to church at least for one hour a week to participate in the Holy Mass, to give thanks to God for the graces He freely grants us and ask for blessings in our lives. If you ask someone “Why do you go to Church?” Those who attend have many different answers: habit, custom, family tradition, faith, fear of hell, need for the Eucharist… there are at least another 20 different responses. In a similar way, if you like football, you go to football games. If you like movies, you go to the movies. If you like God, you go to church and participate in the Mass. If God plays an active part in your life, or if you want Him to, you need to surround yourself with Holy things and people striving to live Holy lives.
Come Home for Lent, and bring friends and family with you. Here is a story to share with those who don’t come to church regularly or at all:
A Church goer complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. "I've gone for 30 years now", he said, "and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But I can NOT remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time and the priests are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all." After much deliberation the priest’s good friend came up with this response: "I have been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife and I have prepared & cooked at least 22,000 meals. For the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. Though I do know this! They nourished me and gave me and my family the strength needed to do our work e.g. go to school and work. If we had not shared those meals, we would be physically dead today. Likewise, if we had not gone to church for nourishment, we would be spiritually dead today!"
So, my dear Parishioners, during Lent 2022, I invite you to nourish your Faith. Come to Sunday Mass with your burdens and your joys! If you are still a little concerned about being out for weekend Mass, join us online via our livestream on Additionally, consider attending daily Mass at 11:00am, followed by the Rosary every Monday – Friday (also livestreamed). This Lent, come to Lenten Friday Adoration 5:00pm-5:30pm, followed by the Stations of the Cross until 6pm. Perhaps it’s time to unload a burden and reconcile yourself with the Lord. Confessions will be heard Fridays during Adoration/Stations, from 5:00pm on, as well every Monday & Tuesday, 11:30am-12noon.
As we practice Fasting, Prayer, and Almsgiving this Lent, I ask you to consider increasing your gift to our parish and/or to the Catholic Ministry Appeal (CMA). These Lenten disciplines not only build up you and your faith, but the entire Parish, Dioceses, and Global Church.
Lastly, I want to thank you for your continued generosity to our Parish. I appreciate your regular parish donations and your donations to the Catholic Ministry Appeal (CMA). Our parish is generous to many causes through our weekly gifts on your behalf to worthy organizations within the community. Your donation to the CMA directly supports many offices of Catholic Charities in our Diocese. So, your abundant gifts to the CMA is a beautiful Lenten ALMSGIVING, just as your continued donation our Parish- a gift that benefits others in our Parish community and beyond.
Soon, I will be in touch with you about significant capital projects that lie ahead– projects that are necessary to keep the heat/ air conditioning on and roofs over our heads. But for now, please “Come home for Lent”, in fasting, prayer and almsgiving.
Daily, keeping you, members of your family, as well friends, in my prayers. I wish you a Holy and blessed Lent. I remain sincerely in Christ. Faithfully yours,