Music has a unique way of touching the soul, of expressing the inexpressible, of giving wings to our prayer. We have a number of musical groups, cantors, instrumentalists, all who help lift our hearts to God. If God has blessed you with this gift, consider putting it to use serving our people at prayer and giving glory to God! “The one who sings, prays twice.”
Provides music for the 11:15 am Sunday Mass from September through June. Also sings for special occasions and Feast Days.
Time commitment: Rehearsals Wednesdays 7:30-9pm, September to June.
Contact: Stephanie Honz, 585-586-5675 x251
Involves our school-aged children in liturgical celebrations at the 9 AM Sunday Mass from September through June, while serving as a springboard for training to become a cantor for those who are interested.
Time commitment: Seasonal rehearsals as needed
Contact: Ministry Center Office, 585-586-5675
Leads music and song during the first Sunday of each month at the 5pm Mass, September through June.
Time commitment: Rehearsals first Sundays, 3:45-4:45pm.
Contact: Stephanie Honz, 585-586-5675 x251
Provides music for 11am weekday funeral liturgies about once a week.
Time commitment: Rehearsals Wednesday mornings from 9:45 to 10:45am.
Contact: Stephanie Honz, 585-586-5675 x251
Enhances liturgical celebrations in a different form of musical ministry. Adults, teens and children needed.
Time commitment: Rehearsal once a week. Playing at Mass once a month, as well as at special liturgies.
Contact: Ministry Center Office, 585-586-5675