We receive God’s grace and the Holy Spirit at Baptism and thus begin our life in the church. As Baptized infants come of age, it is time to discover the difference God’s grace can make in our lives, to unwrap the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to become active in the church. We call this sacrament Confirmation. Whether part of the young confirmation class or an adult who somehow was never confirmed, we can help you with the next step.
For youth who were baptized as infants, Confirmation preparation in the Diocese of Rochester begins no earlier than the 8th grade, though the immediate year prior is a required foundational year for all sacraments. With a two-year process, the majority of Confirmands (those receiving Confirmation) are in the 9th or 10th grade.
If you are interested in learning more about Confirmation, take a look at our "Sacraments: What You Need To Know Document" and please contact Wendy Stansbury at [email protected].
We have a Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program that is design to help adults young and old discern whether they are being called to become Catholic as well as help them to help prepare to come into full communion with the Catholic Church.
The RCIA process can aid one’s spiritual journey toward God, deepen understanding of the Christian faith, and lead to Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation as an adult. We'll be happy to help you become fully initiated into the Catholic faith through these sacraments.