We are off to a great start with this year's CMA campaign. Thank you to those generous parishioners who helped us reach more than 92% of our $274,000!
As a result, St. Louis Parish and our diocese will continue to nurture the faith of our youth, the aged, and families through ministries and provide a variety of services. We are proudly "Extending Christ's Mission" as we bring people closer together and closer to God.
Please make your pledge to this year's Catholic Ministries Appeal today. Your pledge counts now and can be fulfilled in May 2025. Please note "Parish Code 300" for St. Louis Church on the memo line of your check.
Your gift funds important services and the crucial work of ministries here at St. Louis and throughout the Diocese of Rochester.
Envelopes are available in the church and at the Ministry Center.
All monies raised in the CMA are only used for the programs, services and ministries for which they are designated. No gifts to the CMA are used to satisfy settlement costs associated with abuse.
Click Here to Donate