As we enter the season of Lent and prepare ourselves for Easter, I want to share my gratitude for your support of our Parish and for the ongoing practice of your faith.
In these times of chaos and discord, where those in power seem unwilling to engage in meaningful dialogue in the world, our country, and even in my home country of Poland, it is more important than ever to look to the Lord for aid. Throughout His ministry, Christ reminds us to always look to God for comfort and assurance that everything will be okay in times of need. Jesus Christ, who suffered and died for us, can renew our spirit and give meaning to our lives, especially when we open our hearts and help others to receive God’s love. I hope and pray that this 2024 Lenten season will be fruitful through your sacrifices, prayers, almsgiving, and fasting.
This year, we offer many different Lenten services that you can participate in and benefit from. For the whole season of Lent, we have added two additional daily Masses, Wednesdays at 5:15 pm and Thursdays at 6:45 am. If you cannot come to a weekly Mass, I invite you to come at least once a week to our church for private prayer. Maybe pray the rosary or spend even 10 minutes of private time in front of Jesus in the Tabernacle. If you cannot come to church, set aside time at home to pray. A great Lenten practice is to pray the Stations of the Cross. Come every Friday in Lent at 5:00 pm for Adoration and Confession, Stations of the Cross at 5:30 pm, followed by a meatless Soup Supper at 6:00 pm.
In this time of almsgiving and sacrifice, I’d like to thank everyone who helped us to achieve almost 98% of our Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) goal. I am grateful to our CMA Team and each of you who participated.
I ask again that you consider donating to alleviate the cost of our new HVAC system, which allows us to run all our wonderful activities. We acknowledged all donors in our past newsletter and will put all donor names in Reddington Hall next to those who donated towards the 2001 renovation. If you would like to donate any amount in memory of a loved one, please contact me.
You know better than I that inflation and the cost of living rise every month. St. Louis Church is not exempt. The cost of running our facilities has also increased. This Lent, please consider increasing your regular giving by whatever you are able. Your contribution allows us to continue spreading the message of Jesus' love to all and to serve others.
I pray you have a blessed Lent and am grateful for your prayers and support in return. I remain very respectfully,