Printed copies of A Home for God's People: The Story of St. Louis Church Volume II are available at the St. Louis Parish Ministry Center. It captures parish activities and milestones from Oct. 2018 to Sept. 2024, under the leadership of our Pastor, Fr. Mitch Zygadlo.
Nine days. Thousands of prayers.
Join St. Louis parishioners and priests in praying a Novena to St. Louis, King of France, our parish patron. The Novena prayer will be prayed after every Mass starting on Friday, Aug. 16, leading up to his feast day on Sunday, Aug. 25.
Adore our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament at St. Louis in unity with other Catholics attending the 10th Annual National Eucharistic Congress, July 17-21 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Parishioners are encouraged to sign up for a time slot and spend time with our Lord so that he witnesses our love and gratitude for the sacrifice He made for us!
Members of our outstanding Stewardship Team officially launched the St. Louis Church Hospital Ministry to provide gift bags and comforting words to loved ones of desperately ill patients who are hospitalized. The ministry was developed in partnership with Social Work and Family Services at UR Medicine's Strong Memorial Hospital.
St. Louis School Principal Mary Beth Boyle has notified the parish that she will not return for the 2024-2025 academic year. St. Louis is grateful for her time with us and deeply appreciates the commitment and care she has shown throughout her years of working at St. Louis School. The search for our next principal begins immediately.
For those wondering why they should "donate a nickel" to Haiti at such a dangerous and chaotic time, please watch and listen to Fr. Rick Frechette's video message explaining how the 3 million people of Haiti are good people who need our help to overcome the violence and unrest caused by a relatively small group. Fr. Rick is Acting President of NPH Haiti.
Fr. Rick Frechette's Holy Week 2024 letter reflects on the gang violence in Haiti and the "invisible damage" to the hearts, minds, dreams, and souls of the victims. He also reinforces how the wisdom of the Scriptures and Christian tradition are helpful in the face of humanitarian catastrophes.
As we enter this joyous season of Easter, I am filled with gratitude for the many blessings we enjoy at St. Louis Church. Thank you for the generous ways you support our superb community of faith. Your sharing in our Easter celebration is a gift beyond measure!
The following transcript is based on Monsignor Gerard Krieg’s spoken words as shared via the St. Louis Church livestream on Facebook (@stlouischurchpittsford) on Good Friday, March 30, 2024. "We look for peace. ... We find that at the foot of the Cross."
In five months, St. Louis parishioners raised $256,000 and achieved 100% of its Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) goal. Donor appreciation receptions are planned for Saturday, March 2 after the 4:30 pm Mass and Sunday, March 10 after the 10:30 am Mass.
As we enter the season of Lent and prepare ourselves for Easter, Fr. Mitch shares his gratitude for your support of our Parish and for the ongoing practice of your faith. He also shares the addition of two daily Masses on Wednesdays at 5:15 pm and Thursdays at 6:45 am as well as Adoration, Confession, Stations of the Cross and Soup Suppers on Friday evenings during Lent.
Follow the star to St. Louis Church this weekend, Jan. 5-7. While you give Jesus the gift of your heart, we in turn, will give you a new book, chalk kits to bless your home and a beautiful Christmas concert at 10 am Sunday!
“As we drove off road, once again the power of the rosary kept me centered.” Read Fr. Rick Frechette’s most recent letter regarding conditions in Haiti and a "bad man who turned a good deed for people who claim they cannot to see, and yet who have never lost sight of hope." Join St Louis Church and our Helping Haiti Ministry in praying for the safety of Fr. Rick, St. Damien Pediatric Hospital and all who are suffering due to gang violence.
Enjoy this overview of some of the many celebrations, activities and achievements of St. Louis Church, St. Louis School and Saint's Place from January to Advent 2023. Our parish is truly blessed under our Pastor, Fr. Mitch's, leadership. The newsletter is filled with examples of how we are fulfilling our mission to "bring people closer together and closer to God."
Advent is a time of preparation, a time of holy desire, longing, expectancy, a time of vigilant waiting. This holy season invites us to enter the silence as we await the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord. Advent invites us to begin anew, with an even greater commitment to imitate Jesus in His self-sacrificing love as we prepare to celebrate another Christmas in our lives.
St. Louis Parish has begun the search for its next Faith Formation Coordinator/Director and is committed to providing the smoothest possible transition of our Faith Formation program for students and their families.
Thank you for your generous support the building of a home for Tatyana S. in the Beechwood neighborhood of Rochester. We raised $1,480 through the pie sale! Pie Pick Up: between 12:30 & 5:30 pm Monday, Nov. 20 curbside in the Church’s main, courtyard parking lot.
St. Louis Church, in partnership with MTF, LLC, will launch a Holiday Comfort Campaign collection this weekend, Oct. 21 and 22. Donations will support area charities, including Foodlink. Parishioners are to bring food and monetary donations to this weekend’s Masses to “fill the trailer.” Curbside drop offs are also available on both sides of the church before and after all weekend Masses.