St. Louis Church, in partnership with MTF, LLC, will launch a Holiday Comfort Campaign collection this weekend, Oct. 21 and 22. Donations will support area charities, including Foodlink. Parishioners are to bring food and monetary donations to this weekend’s Masses to “fill the trailer.” Curbside drop offs are also available on both sides of the church before and after all weekend Masses.
Today is Priesthood Sunday, and as such it is a fitting time for us to reflect on what is often called the “Vocations Crisis.” We all know that, over the last several decades, there have not been enough priests ordained to replace the priests who have retired or passed to their eternal reward. The reasons that this is the case, or theories about them, could fill volumes, but today I think that we should reflect on why the priesthood is so important to us as Christ’s Church.
In partnership with Holy Sepulchre Cemetery and Ascension Garden and local funeral directors, St. Louis Church will present a legacy and funeral pre-planning seminar from 2:00 to 4:00 pm Monday, Sept. 25 in the Parish Meeting Hall.
As shared by St. Louis' Helping Haiti Ministry Leaders, Fr. Rick Frechette's July 30 2023 update speaks to the increase in gang violence in Port-au-Prince and the loss of his "treasured friend" Raphael Louigene. St. Louis Church will offer a Mass for Peace in Haiti and the Repose of the Soul of Raphael Louigene at 5:15 pm Thursday, September 7.
After all Masses on Sept. 9 and 10, the Powers Farm Market Family* will bring their freshly harvested corn to St. Louis to help raise money for St. Damien Pediatric Hospital in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Led by Fr. Rick Frechette, St. Damien is Haiti's only children's hospital that is free to the indigent. It is one of only four hospitals with a neonatal unit. This is the 53rd year that the Powers Farm Market Family has generously donated corn. Suggested donation: $5 per bag (6 ears of corn). Payable using cash or check. (Make checks payable to St. Louis Church and write "HAITI" in the memo line.) For more information about the Helping Haiti Ministry, call Cari Marin Mollinedo at (585) 622-2375 or visit * Powers Farm Market is located at 161 Marsh Road, Pittsford.
As shared by St. Louis' Helping Haiti Ministry leaders, in his July 2023 update, titled "A Song of Ascent," Fr. Richard "Rick" Frechette reinforces how "We ascend together to a world order that forbids and abhors the bondage and bartering of human beings. ... Yet, we do not surrender our hope. We do not sound retreat."
In response to recent requests, following is the full text of Fr. Mitch Zygadlo's Memorial Day Ceremony remarks. A U.S. Air Force Chaplain (retired), Fr. Mitch served as Grand Marshal of the Pittsford Memorial Day Parade. He delivered these remarks on May 29, 2023 at Pittsford Cemetery.
Consecration to Jesus through Mary is a tried-an-true way of attaining holiness of life. Consecration to Jesus through Mary is the act of entrusting one's entire life to the protection, guidance, and intercession of Our Lady. We invite you to join St. Louis Church on a 33-day journey towards Marian consecration this summer!
Doors to the Saint’s Place Annual Super Sale will open to shoppers at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow, July 5 at St. Louis Parish, 64 S. Main St., Pittsford. The sale will run Wednesday through Saturday, July 5-8.
On July 2 we will welcome our New Parochial Vicar, Fr. Joseph Maurici, to St. Louis Parish. We will hold two welcome receptions for him following the Sunday 8:00 am and 10:30 am Masses. If you are not able to greet him that weekend, there will be many more opportunities to come!
Experience Jesus through Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi on June 11! A brief period of Eucharistic Adoration, followed by Benediction will be offered at the conclusion of all weekend Masses. A Eucharistic Procession will follow the 10:30 am Mass.
On Saturday, June 3, all are welcome to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Saint’s Place at St. Louis Church. The Most Reverend Salvatore R. Matano, Bishop of Rochester, will preside at the 4:30 p.m. Mass, followed by a reception and memorabilia showcase.
Pope Francis was released from Gemelli Hospital on Saturday morning following a brief hospital stay that involved scheduled tests and treatment for bronchitis. In a brief statement Saturday morning, the Holy See Press Office noted that, before his departure, the Holy Father greeted the leadership of the hospital, including Franco Anelli, the Rector of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart; Marco Elefanti, the General Director of the Policlinic; and the General Ecclesiastical Assistant for the hospital, Bishop Claudio Giuliodori, as well as the medical team and healthcare workers who assisted him during his convalescence.
Check out the latest issue of our Quarterly Newsletter. Catch up on what happened on and off campus for the St. Louis Community during the Fall months, Advent, and the Christmas Season!
On Dec. 31, 2022 Bishop Salvatore R. Matano released a memo to all priests, pastoral administrators, and religious communities. The following is an excerpt from that memo: